Webinar : Comment optimiser la gestion des cadeaux & invitations & la loi Sapin2 ?

Speakers: Laurent Luce (ALTARES) - Nathalie Kestener (WAW Compliance) - Séverine Dangel (SOMFY)


  • Reminder of the requirements of the Sapin 2 law and the treatment of gifts & invitations. 
  • How to properly set up the processes and tools to meet this requirement?
  • Recommendation & implementation.

What are the benefits of a digitalized gift & invitation policy in 10 points?

  1. Ensure the proper reception and understanding of the gift & invitation policy by employees who are responsible for its respect.
  2. Automatiser et maîtriser la fréquence le contenu des informations et formations.
  3. Receive real-time requests and responses to overrun authorizations.
  4. Control exceptional authorizations in case of overruns (hierarchy or ethics referent).
  5. To comply with the recommendations of the control authorities (AFA...: to have a register of authorizations) and to allow an immediate access to the data in case of control.
  6. Ensuring the transparency of the company's policy to third parties through involvement (third party management).
  7. Maintain and record in real time and at each evolution of the gifts & invitations policy with the employees.
  8. Ensure the ethics referent, general management and governance of the knowledge and application of the gift and invitation policy in the company.
  9. Reassure HRDs of the proper integration of this policy by each employee and avoid the questioning of precious HR for overall efficiency and results.
  10. Record all documents, exchanges and authorizations relating to the gift & invitation policy centrally on the compliance server in an evidence-based register (permanent and unforgeable).

WAW Compliance meets all these needs in a "turnkey" solution 100% French, legal by design and RGPD compliant to train, inform, authorize, alert, record, guarantee and protect.

Contact WAW Compliance for a demo!

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